HeartStrings – gentle acoustic Guitar

By , April 1, 2010 12:32 pm


Available NOW for only $30 – includes Postage & Handling.

Ian Morton
Intuitive acoustic guitarist
e: gentlesounds@bigpond.com
EFT details:

Ian Morton Heartstrings

BSB: 802 – 222
A/C No: 61779

“Music can heal and sooth; allowing a sense of ‘inner quiet’ to arise in us. I have performed my music in both cancer and dialysis hospital wards, and I have seen for myself the power and beauty of music when it touches your soul.”

This CD is also very suitable for helping young babies sleep and become calm, or for anyone needing reflective peaceful music to help heal, meditate or relax in this stressful world. Perfect for yoga!

Ian Morton has been a student of healing music and resonance for the past 25 years, and has just released his latest CD called HeartStrings.

His experience with performing live music, has shown the healing power of sound and how patients in both Toowoomba and Brisbane hospitals gently rediscover their true connection with themselves.

Ian explains “Sounds are all around us with many quite harmful to our wellbeing. This gentle, non invasive music provides a bridge to our inner heart and presents and opportunity of connection to our true self – especially at times when your body is under stress through illness or emotional tension.

More information here.

One Response to “HeartStrings – gentle acoustic Guitar”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Patty Beecham. Patty Beecham said: HeartStrings – gentle aucoustic Guitar – http://b2l.me/mu6s8 (via @pattycam) […]

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