Category: Patty Beecham Productions

  • Calum and the Big Secret

    Cowboy Calum and the Big Secret

  • Searching for Patty Beecham

  • About me

    I did a Masterclass on YouTube the other day and I began by telling the class a little of my background, and it felt strange to hear my voice saying all the things I did (left out half of it, lol) – I recall thinking, ‘blimey, have I really done…

  • The Birds in my Garden – a children’s book for my Niece

    Birds in My Garden

  • The Colours of my World – a children’s book for my niece

    Colours of My World

  • What can you see at the sea, Maddie? A book for my niece 🙂

    What Can You See at the Sea Maddie?

  • Brisbane Funeral Photographer

    Free website –

  • Melbourne Thorugh my Eyes

    This travel slideshow of Pattycam’s trip to 2 cities including Melbourne and Brisbane was created by TripAdvisor on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at 11:09pm UTC. Pattycam traveled 1,376 kilometers (855 miles) on this trip.

  • (Re) Birth Day – Third Person

    (This is the same story rewritten to 3rd person for my writing class, not sure if I have the hang of 3rd person yet, lol) He threw his head back and laughed. His mum Patty laughed too at the absurdity of it all too, and together they brayed like donkeys.…

  • (Re) Birth Day

    Lockie’s eyes crinkle with his laugh; it is one of his most lovable features. His dark ginger beard muffles a wide smile but it’s his brown almond shaped eyes that hold my full attention. My 23 year old son and I are travelling to Sydney to see the Archibalds; (we…